Siemens Arcadis Varic C-Arm Image Intensifier
Siemens Arcadis Varic C-Arm Image Intensifier
Siemens Arcadis Varic Twin Monitor Work Station
The C-ARM includes the following:
- Foot Switch
- Hand Switch
- Thermal Printer
Arcadis Varic is our advanced multipurpose C-arm. It supports a broad range of applications like orthopedics, trauma and vascular surgery, or urology, to name a few. Its full post-processing capabilities make for easy integration in advanced clinical workflow.
The C-ARM consist of following features:
- Stationary X-Ray Tube Anode
- High Frequency
- Last Image Hold
- 0 - 32 Frame Integration
- Reverse Position
- Color Coded Brakes
- Selectable Dose Curves
- Dual LCD High Resolution monitors
- Enhanced Acquisition System
- automatic dose
- Auto contrast
- Auto brightness control
- X-ray tube up to 23mA
- 1024 x 1024 Imaging Chain
- Syngo interface
- Virtual Patient Anatomy
- Compact Footprint 73cm x 65 cm
- Vertically Adjusting Monitors
- 40 Degrees of Overscan
Key Highlights
- Precise imaging and excellent visualization
- Easy operation
- Easy integration into clinical workflows
- Optimal flexibility in data handling
- Truly digital navigation with NaviLink 2D*
The C-Arm system powers up and completes the self test.
The system produces clear images on the LCD monitors.
The unit is in Excellent Condition.
Our team of product experts ensures that each system is in excellent condition and functioning properly
Contact us today to learn more and get a personalized estimate for your needs.
Don't hesitate to ask any questions - we are here to help you make the most informed decision for your medical practice.