Hamilton Medical G5 ICU Ventilator
Hamilton Medical G5 ICU Ventilator
The HAMILTON-G5 is Hamilton Medical’s most modular high-end mechanical ventilator. A large set of standard features and options allows you to tailor the HAMILTON-G5 to your needs. The integrated cuff pressure controller IntelliCuff® continuously monitors and maintains a set cuff pressure in real-time. The Protective Ventilation Tool (P/V Tool Pro) provides a repeatable method to assess recruitability and find the best PEEP based on respiratory mechanics, as well as providing an easy and repeatable method for performing recruitment maneuvers. The HAMILTONG5 also supports transpulmonary pressure measurement.
Ventilation Modes:
- (S)CM: Synchronized controlled mandatory ventilation
- SIMV: Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation
- Volume Support
- APVcmv: Adaptive Pressure Ventilation – Controlled Mechanical Ventilation
- APVsimv: Adaptive pressure ventilation-synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation
- P-CMV: Pressure-controlled mode of ventilation
- P-SIMV: Partial Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation
- DuoPAP: Duo positive airway pressure
- APRV: Airway pressure release ventilation
- SPONT: Spontaneous mode
- NIV: Non-invasive ventilation
- NIV-ST: Spontaneous/timed non-invasive ventilation
- nCPAP-PS: Nasal continuous positive airway pressure
- Hi Flow O2: High flow oxygen therapy
Why Hamilton G5 ventilator
The Hamilton offers everything from high-flow oxygen therapy, invasive ventilation options, and Adaptive Support Ventilation. The ventilation system is a touchscreen display that can show real-time data on the patient’s tidal volume, compliance, resistance, SpO2, and pulse rate.
- Automated control of the patient’s ventilation and oxygenation with INTELLiVENT-ASV
- Real-time patient synchronization with IntelliSync+
- P/V Tool Pro for lung assessment and recruitment
- Transpulmonary pressure measurement
- High flow oxygen therapy
- Integrated IntelliCuff pressure controller
- Integrated HAMILTON-H900 humidifier control
- Adult, pediatric, and neonatal ventilation
- Adjustable O2 enrichment
- Adjustable volume limitation for neonatal patients
The unit Powers On and completes the Self Test
The unit is in Excellent Condition.
Our team of product experts ensures that each system is in excellent condition and functioning properly
Contact us today to learn more and get a personalized estimate for your needs.
Don't hesitate to ask any questions - we are here to help you make the most informed decision for your medical practice.